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飞驰人生科幻走进现实 吉利飞行汽车今年上市

发表时间:2019-02-18 09:49:34    作者:飞行汽车    点击:

    [飞行汽车 头条全球都在大力发展新能源汽车,不管是以电力、氢燃料还是以核能为整车动力的车型相继亮相。但他们还都属于在陆地上行驶的传统车辆。时代在进步,科技在发展,在扎堆激烈竞争的当下,有这么几家公司开辟出了新的道路,那就是飞行汽车,而且今年吉利飞行汽车正式上市发售,就让我们一起来逐一看看吧。


由于是可以飞行的汽车,所以驾驶者不光要考取汽车驾驶执照,还要考取运动飞机的飞行执照。Transition共有2个座位,官方称其发动机为Rotax 912iS 100HP 4缸燃料喷射,大修间隔时间(TBO):2,000小时,驾驶模式还会采用混合动力电机。航空电子设备采用Dynon Skyview,并配备降落伞和安全气囊、安全带等。看完是不是有些心动呐?不过心动也没用,因为首批订单只对美国市场开放,并且早已抢光,当然后期也不排除对中国市场开放的可能性,让我们敬请期待。


English version
The world has been vigorously developing new energy vehicles, whether they are powered by electricity, hydrogen or nuclear energy. But they all belong to the traditional vehicles that drive on land. With the progress of the times, the development of science and technology, and the fierce competition, so many companies have opened up a new road, that is, flying cars, and this year Geely flying cars officially launched and sold, let's take a look at them one by one.

Taili Automobile, founded in 2006 by five MIT graduates, was acquired by Zhejiang Geely Holding Group on November 17, 2017 as its subsidiary company. Its first product should be said to be the closest to our life at present. Because it started booking in October last year, with an advance price of $280,000 and a deposit of $10,000, the first 100 orders have been emptied.

Because it is a flying car, drivers not only need to obtain a driving license, but also a flying license for sports aircraft. Transition has two seats. Officials call its engine Rotax 912iS 100HP 4-cylinder fuel injection. Overhaul interval (TBO): 2,000 hours. Hybrid electric motors will also be used in driving mode. Avionics equipped with Dynon Skyview, parachutes, airbags and seat belts. Did you feel a little heartbeat after reading it? But heartbeat is useless, because the first order is only open to the U. S. market, and has already won out. Of course, the possibility of opening to the Chinese market is not ruled out in the later period. Let's look forward to it.(文/飞行汽车 feiauto)





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