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发表时间:2019-09-28 23:13:54    作者:飞行汽车    点击:



作为豪华阵营BBA中的一员,奥迪也掺了一脚。去年年底的阿姆斯特丹飞行器展会上,奥迪就展示了与空客和意大利设计公司ltaldesign,共同合作研发的具有飞行功能的自动驾驶汽车Pop UP。这款车由三个模块组成,分别是飞行模块、地面行驶模块以及乘客舱,把这句话翻译过来就是带飞行器的汽车

这台车空中飞行最高时速120公里千米/小时,不负载的情况下可以行驶50公里千米,地面行驶最高时速100公里千米/小时,续航为130公里千米, 产品预计在2024年-2027年实现,跟上两家近在咫尺的产品落地和量产交付比起来,奥迪这一杆子打的可有点太远了。


English version
Flight mileage will exceed 600 kilometers and flight speed will reach 160 kilometers per hour. Reservations will begin in mid-October and delivery is scheduled to be completed by the end of the year. Geely, the Bureau of multi-dimensional travel services, has been put in place, and the next curious thing is who will pay for this research and development. Toyota, which claims to be a "technology house", will naturally not be absent from this "farce" of technology and automobiles. Toyota invested 42.5 million yen last May to support technology company Cartivator Flying Vehicle Project, but compared with Geely, Toyota's research on flying vehicles tends to be conceptual, at least in terms of products.

It is understood that Toyota's first manual-operated test flying car is driven by lithium-ion batteries, with a ground and flying speed target of 100 km/h, a ground endurance target of more than 50 km/h and a flight altitude of more than 10 meters. This car is expected to ignite the torch at the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2020, but according to the current data, this is the case. The mission of the trolley is to ignite it.
As a member of the luxury camp BBA, Audi also has a foot in it. At the end of last year's Amsterdam Aircraft Fair, Audi demonstrated the flying Pop UP, a self-driving car developed jointly by Airbus and Italian design company ltaldesign. This car consists of three modules, namely, flight module, ground driving module and passenger compartment. To translate this sentence is a car with an aircraft.

The vehicle can fly at a maximum speed of 120 km/h in the air, travel 50 km/h without load, travel at a maximum speed of 100 km/h on the ground, and last 130 km/h. The product is expected to be realized in 2024-2027, which is close to the two products landing and mass production delivery. Di hit it a little too far.

(文编译/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com





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