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发表时间:2019-03-13 15:15:56    作者:飞行汽车    点击:

[飞行汽车 头条] 2009年,美国Terrafugia(太力)公司的第一款飞行汽车产品Transition开始试飞,2012年飞行了8分钟,升空高度达到1400英尺。这也让它被誉为“世界上第一款真正意义上的飞行汽车”。它有两个座位,时速160公里/小时,最远能飞640公里,最高能飞合3048米,油耗为航油19L。当飞行车着陆后就是汽车模式,纯电驱动。飞行模式和地面驾驶模式间切换,只需要1分钟。


2018年10月,首款量产车型Transition已正式接受预订,价格为19万美元,新车有望在今年内实现正式交付,首批用户只对美国开放,主要面向私人用户。吉利还计划于2023年推出采用纯电驱动、搭载半自动驾驶技术、真正能垂直起降的飞行汽车TF-X。TF-X 具有鱼鹰直升机式的折叠式机翼和涡轮电动引擎,无需起飞跑道,每个机翼末端有两个电动马达,它们可以让 TF-X 从垂直移动转变成水平移动。为提高安全系数,TF-X还将配备自动驾驶系统和人工智能系统。


English version
In 2009, Terrafugia's first flying car Transition began its test flight, flying for eight minutes in 2012, reaching a height of 1,400 feet. It is also known as "the first real flying car in the world". It has two seats, 160 km/h, 640 km at the farthest, 3048 m at the highest, and 19 L fuel consumption. When the flying car landed, it was the car mode, pure electric drive. It only takes 1 minute to switch between flight mode and ground mode.

The flying car can be driven on the road, or it can open its wings when it arrives at the airport. After a 425-meter takeoff and taxi, it can fly. When the wings fold, the car can drive into the garage and park. In particular, it is equipped with a full vehicle parachute, which can be used to parachute in case of power failure during flight. It is noteworthy that Geely acquired all Terrafugia's businesses and assets in November 2017. "Flying cars are a very exciting area. I believe that Taili can change the way we travel in the future and lead the development of a new industry. Li Shufu, the head of Geely, said.

In October 2018, the first mass-produced vehicle Transition has been formally booked at a price of $190,000. The new car is expected to be officially delivered within this year. The first batch of users are only open to the United States, mainly for private users. Geely also plans to launch its TF-X flying car in 2023, which uses pure electric drive, semi-automatic driving technology and can take off and land vertically. The TF-X has a folding wing and a turbo-electric engine of the Osprey helicopter, and does not need a takeoff runway. There are two electric motors at the end of each wing, which allow the TF-X to move horizontally instead of vertically. To improve safety factor, TF-X will also be equipped with automatic driving system and artificial intelligence system.(文/飞行汽车 www.feiauto.com)





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