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发表时间:2019-02-25 10:52:19    作者:飞行汽车    点击:

[飞行汽车  新闻]  随着时代的发展社会的进步,现今的汽车行业也是发展得越来越好,我们的国产也是在这几年突飞猛进,特别是长城、比亚迪还有吉利这三个品牌可以说这两年的发展都是比较好的。特别是吉利,已经是发展得非常好了,不仅是合资推出领克,而后还投资了奔驰,甚至是赞助了极速火箭车,并线现在也是收购了美国最大的一家飞行汽车公司--Terrafugia。并且这家公司被收购后的第一个产品--Transition也是即将上市,这下吉利是真的是要成了。这款汽车便是坚持这个车企的设计理念,是一台真正的陆空两用的汽车,并且在空间是可以去容乃两位成员。这款车在外表上就像一台小型的飞机收起翅膀之后然后长出4个轮子的样子。并且这款车的外观也是设计得非常的圆滑。




English version
With the development of the times and the progress of society, the automobile industry is developing better and better nowadays. Our home-made industry has made great progress in recent years, especially the Great Wall, BYD and Geely. Geely, in particular, has developed very well, not only jointly launching the neck, but also investing in Mercedes-Benz, even sponsoring the ultra-fast rocket car, and is now acquiring Terrafugia, the largest flying car company in the United States. And the company's first product, Transition, is about to go public, which Geely really wants to be. This car is to adhere to the design philosophy of the car company, is a real land-air dual-purpose car, and in space can accommodate two members. The car looks like a small airplane that folds its wings and grows four wheels. And the appearance of this car is very smooth.

The design concept of this land-air dual-purpose vehicle is to fly in the air, so it also pays great attention to lightweight design. The length, width and height of the car are 6020 mm, 2300 mm and 1980 mm respectively. The body of the car is made of lightweight aluminium material. The quality of the genuine car is only 440KG. It can be said that it has reached the limit of lightweight. Compared with the ordinary car, it is not only a little lighter. But don't underestimate this land-air dual-purpose vehicle, which has a load of 210KG. It can also be used as an electric vehicle on land, with lithium iron phosphate batteries and Geely's electric drive technology, with a maximum speed of 110 km/h. When the car is running on land, its wings are folded and stored on both sides of the car. And the whole car is blue and white collocation, it can be said that the color matching is also very small and fresh and very durable. The tail wing is also carried in the rear of the vehicle. Whether it is on land or flying in the air, the air circulation is very strong. Entering the car, we can see that the interior decoration is relatively simple, not like those airplanes in our real life with a lot of mechanical buttons, but paper money ordinary car with a number of pedals.

And when the car is flying, the whole wing of the car can be deployed in 40 seconds, and the length of the wing reaches 8 meters, and it only needs 30 meters of runway to fly in the sky. From this data, we can see that this car can fly together on any spacious road, and when flying, it will also use fuel power in the fuselage. Its maximum cruise speed can reach 172 km/h, the maximum flight speed can reach 185 km/h, the endurance can reach 800 km, and this car has the absolute advantage of saying goodbye to the congestion problem! All in all, this land-air dual-purpose car is very good, and the whole car configuration is not lacking, not only with airbags, collision collapse zone, and even parachutes. It can be said that the configuration has been very complete. And the price of this car is 190,000 US dollars, about 127W RMB, but this car needs both driver's license and flight license when driving, but I don't know if it will be introduced into China. What's your opinion about this?(文/飞行汽车 www.feiauto.com)





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