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众巨头“围猎”飞行汽车 巨大市场空间如何变现?

发表时间:2019-01-07 18:57:38    作者:飞行汽车    点击:




除了吉利外,阿斯顿·马丁也在2018年7月公开发布了Volante Vision Concept飞行汽车。该款飞行汽车不仅具备了新材料技术、航空技术,而且品牌定位面向高端用户,预计售价将远超普通消费者承受能力,可能会成为少数人的专用出行工具。而早在2017年,空客就曾联合大众集团旗下的设计公司Italdesign推出了一个名为Pop.Up的飞行汽车模型。2018年,这两家企业又和新伙伴奥迪一起推出了新版的Pop.Up Next。相比其他飞行汽车,Pop.Up Next保留了大量的传统汽车设计元素。

作为空客的主要竞争对手,波音也十分重视飞行汽车的发展。据悉,波音在公司内部成立了一个新部门“Boeing NeXt”。此外,波音还收购了收购航空技术公司Aurora Flight Sciences,这家公司计划于2020年在迪拜和达拉斯测试飞行汽车。对于飞行汽车的发展,业内人士与专业机构都发表了不少看法,大体上秉持积极态度。罗尔斯·罗伊斯电气化团队主管罗布·沃特森表示,作为交通电气化发展趋势的一部分,飞行汽车发展将“最终演变成为一场革命”。

波音战略投资的人工智能公司Spark Cognition预测,未来的城市空中交通市场将达到3万亿美元,这将为飞行汽车的商业化普及带来巨大的市场空间。当然,飞行汽车的商用也面临着一些阻碍,摩根士丹利就指出,飞行汽车市场崛起将必须得到技术和监管环境有利趋势的支持。实际上,自从汽车诞生以来,汽车保有量一路攀升,而城市化的演变并无法完全满足机动车增长的需求。随着城市交通拥堵、停车难等顽疾日益严重,寻求以新的方式来解决这些难题成为必然趋势。业内认为,飞行汽车的出现、普及,或将有效突破现有的交通困局。



English version
With the accelerated landing of artificial intelligence technology, the acceleration of the new generation of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change, the automotive industry has also ushered in a new trend of development. In addition to the global attention of autopilot cars, flying cars are increasingly rising, and have been sought after by the capital market, accelerating to commercialization.

Recently, the Japanese government said that it would join hands with many enterprises in Europe and the United States to develop flying cars. In addition, the German government has entered into cooperation with some enterprises to support the testing of flying cars in the country. Obviously, in order to seize the future "smart transportation" development highland, governments are stepping up the overall layout in order to seize the market opportunities. In order to gain a greater competitive advantage, some automobile manufacturers, travel service providers and aircraft manufacturers have come to the fore to bring the era of flying automobiles to the fore. It is reported that the flying car developed and designed by Terrafugia, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Zhejiang Geely Holding Group, has already begun to accept public bookings. Geely Group said that the flying car is scheduled to be launched in the United States in 2019, and so far, many prototype cars have been successfully produced.
According to public information, Geely's flying car is a two-seat model, with folding wings, and only one minute to switch ground mode and air mode. In flight mode, the maximum speed of the flying car can reach 160 kilometers per hour, the air endurance is 640 kilometers, and the take-off and taxi distance is 425 meters. In addition, in order to ensure safety, the flying car is equipped with a series of safety devices, such as airbag, pre-tightened seat belt, collision collapsing zone and so on. Of course, flying cars are not completely driverless, and most models still rely on human drivers. As land and air amphibious vehicles, flying car drivers not only need to obtain a car driver's license, but also need to obtain a flight license, which is a big challenge for most consumers.
In addition to Geely, Aston Martin also released the Volante Vision Concept flying car in July 2018. This flying car not only has new material technology and aviation technology, but also has a brand orientation for high-end users. It is expected that the price will be far beyond the affordability of ordinary consumers, and it may become a special travel tool for a few people. As early as 2017, Airbus launched a flying car model called Pop. Up with Italdesign, a design company owned by Volkswagen Group. In 2018, the two companies launched a new version of Pop. Up Next with their new partner Audi. Compared with other flying cars, Pop. Up Next retains a lot of traditional car design elements.
As Airbus's main competitor, Boeing also attaches great importance to the development of flying cars. It is reported that Boeing has set up a new Department "Boeing NeXt" within the company. In addition, Boeing acquired Aurora Flight Sciences, an aerospace technology company that plans to test flying cars in Dubai and Dallas in 2020. For the development of flying automobiles, people in the industry and professional institutions have expressed a lot of views, generally holding a positive attitude. Rob Watson, director of Rawls Royce's electrification team, said that as part of the trend of transportation electrification, the development of flying cars would "eventually evolve into a revolution".
Spark Cognition, an artificial intelligence company invested by Boeing Strategy, predicts that the future urban air traffic market will reach $3 trillion, which will bring huge market space for the commercialization and popularization of flying cars. Of course, the commercial use of flying cars is also facing some obstacles, Morgan Stanley pointed out that the rise of the flying car market will have to be supported by favorable trends in technology and regulatory environment. In fact, since the birth of automobiles, car ownership has been rising, and the evolution of urbanization can not fully meet the demand for motor vehicle growth. With the increasing severity of urban traffic congestion and parking difficulties, it is an inevitable trend to seek new ways to solve these problems. The industry believes that the emergence and popularization of flying cars may effectively break through the existing traffic difficulties.
Faced with the huge market prospects, significant application advantages, and changes in the development situation of the traditional automobile market and the new energy automobile industry, flying cars undoubtedly become a market increment that can not be ignored. For many automobile manufacturers, this is an opportunity that can not be missed, and for other related enterprises, it is enough to excite them. It can be imagined that once our country is ready in terms of law, safety technology and infrastructure, it will hopefully grow into one of the largest flying car markets in the world.





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