


2020-02-13 19:30:03  飞行汽车  点击:

    总部位于斯洛伐克的AeroMobil,决心制造一款功能正常的飞行汽车。这是它的第四个原型设计,首批汽车应该在2020年交付给私人拥有者。该公司拥有大量概念艺术来展示汽车在最终形式下的工作方式。AeroMobil是最著名的“混合动力”车型之一,与其他的VTOL不同,混合飞行汽车通常被设计为从跑道起飞以飞行,但也具有还原为更像汽车的形状的能力,从而使其能够在道路上行驶。这需要可伸缩的车轮和机翼,以及高效的燃油系统。AeroMobil希望它可以创建功能性的电子模型。该公司与包括航空“加速器” Starburst在内的著名组织合作,以帮助其汽车尽快上市。


English version
Aeromobil, headquartered in Slovakia, is determined to build a functional flying car. This is its fourth prototype, and the first cars should be delivered to private owners by 2020. The company has a lot of conceptual art to show how cars work in their final form. Aeromobil is one of the most famous "hybrid" models. Unlike other vtols, hybrid flying vehicles are usually designed to take off from the runway to fly, but they also have the ability to revert to a more car like shape, so that they can drive on the road. This requires retractable wheels and wings, as well as efficient fuel systems. Aeromobil wants it to create functional electronic models. The company works with well-known organizations, including aviation accelerator starburst, to help bring its cars to market as soon as possible.(文编译/飞汽车  www.feiauto.com


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