


2020-01-21 20:20:10  飞行汽车  点击:

    目前,全球从事飞行汽车研发的公司超过十几家。我们先来看一下几个关于飞行汽车最新消息。美国Joby Aviation研发的VTOL飞行器能够搭乘一名驾驶员和四名乘客,飞行时速可达200英里/小时,单次充电后飞行里程可达150英里以上。最近筹集了5.9亿美元C轮融资;现代汽车正与Uber合作,开发用于未来空中共享出行服务的飞行出租车。

    根据之前公布的计划,Uber将在2020年开始进行飞行演示,并于2023年提供商业飞行出租车服务;而国内的无人机企业亿航自主开发的飞行汽车亿航184,能够实现垂直起降,最高时速达80英里,飞行时间为25分钟,已在广州进行部署。当然,除了Joby Aviation、现代、亿航以外,奥迪和阿斯顿马丁也有着自己对于飞行汽车的想法,比如2017年,奥迪就推出过Pop.Up飞行汽车,阿斯顿马丁打算在2020年量产自家的飞行汽车。


English version
At present, there are more than a dozen companies engaged in the research and development of flying vehicles in the world. Let's take a look at the latest news about flying cars. The VTOL aircraft developed by Joby aviation in the United States can take one pilot and four passengers, with a speed of up to 200 mph and a single charge of up to 150 miles. It recently raised $590 million in round C financing; Hyundai is working with Uber to develop flying taxis for future air sharing travel services.

According to the previously announced plan, Uber will start flight demonstration in 2020, and provide commercial flight taxi service in 2023; while the flight vehicle Yihang 184 independently developed by Yihang, a domestic UAV enterprise, can realize vertical takeoff and landing, with a maximum speed of 80 miles per hour and a flight time of 25 minutes, which has been deployed in Guangzhou. Of course, in addition to Joby aviation, Hyundai and Yihang, Audi and Aston Martin also have their own ideas about flying cars. For example, in 2017, Audi launched pop. Up flying cars. Aston Martin plans to mass produce their own flying cars in 2020.(文编译/飞行汽车 www.feiauto.com


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