


2020-01-17 23:09:13  飞行汽车  点击:

    1月17日消息,据外媒CARSCOOPS的报道,飞行汽车研发公司Joby Aviation周四宣布获得了5.9亿美元融资,其中丰田汽车公司投资了近4亿美元。这轮融资完成后,Joby Aviation总融资额达到7.2亿美元,投资方还包括英特尔资本、JetBlue Technology Ventures等等。据了解,Joby Aviation目前正在利用其自主研发的垂直起降飞行器结合丰田的部分造车经验,一同开发电动空中出租车服务,简称 “空中飞行出租车”。实际上汽车企业对于空中飞机的探索一直没有停歇,现代和Uber公司合作,计划推出空中飞行出租车,而中国品牌吉利也在这个领域颇有研究。


English version
   On January 17, according to foreign media carscoops, flight vehicle R & D company Joby aviation announced on Thursday that it had obtained $590 million in financing, of which Toyota Motor Company invested nearly $400 million. After the completion of this round of financing, the total financing amount of Joby aviation reached $720 million, including Intel Capital, JetBlue technology ventures, etc. It is understood that Joby aviation is currently using its independently developed vertical take-off and landing vehicle and part of Toyota's car building experience to develop electric air taxi service, referred to as "air taxi". In fact, the automobile enterprises have never stopped exploring the air plane. Hyundai and Uber plan to launch the air taxi, and the Chinese brand Geely also has a lot of research in this field. (文编译/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com


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