


2020-01-15 23:12:50  飞行汽车  点击:

腾讯曾经在2017年就投资6亿元到德国一家飞行汽车公司,希望能够获得未来良好的收益。2017年的时候,德国慕尼黑的Lilium宣布,完成9000万美元B轮融资,这次投资由腾讯领投,LGT、Atomico和Obvious Ventures参投。2016年的时候,该公司刚刚完成1000万美元的A轮融资。Lilium的喷气机根据飞机的飞行模式,使用多个引擎襟翼实现从垂直位置向水平位置的转变,一旦飞机起飞,襟翼就会缓慢地转换到水平位置,飞行器开始加速,直至能够单独提供到足够的升力为止。


English version
Tencent once invested 600 million yuan in a German flying car company in 2017, hoping to get good earnings in the future. In 2017, Lilium in Munich, Germany, announced that it had completed a series B financing of 90 million US dollars. This investment was led by Tencent, with LGT, atomico and objective ventures participating. In 2016, the company just completed a round of financing of US $10 million. According to the flight mode of the aircraft, Lilium's Jet uses multiple engine flaps to realize the change from vertical position to horizontal position. Once the aircraft takes off, the flaps will slowly change to horizontal position, and the aircraft will start to accelerate until it can provide enough lift alone.(文编译  www.feiauto.com


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