

吉利研发Terrafugia飞行汽车 飞车走进现实越来越近了

2019-10-18 22:51:31  飞行汽车  点击:


Terrafugia正在策划TF-X,这是一款全电动飞行概念车,可行驶800公里,巡航速度为320 km / h。它将能够垂直起飞和降落,并且可以安装在标准的停车位和车库中。正如Terrafugia声称的那样,驾驶TF-X所需要的训练比实际飞行员要少-不管怎样,TF-X带有安全笼甚至是安全气囊!

English version
Terrafugia, an American car developer, hopes to speed up the inevitable reality of flying cars. According to caradvice's report, Geely has committed to invest heavily in Terrafugia, as their goal is to bring its flying cars to market as early as 2019, followed by the world's first VTOL flying car in 2025.

Terrafugia is planning tf-x, an all electric flight concept vehicle that can run 800 kilometers and cruise at 320 km / h. It will be able to take off and land vertically and can be installed in standard parking spaces and garages. As Terrafugia claims, driving tf-x requires less training than actual pilots - in any case, tf-x with safety cage or even airbags!(文编译/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com


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