

吉利Terrafugia Transition飞行汽车或率先量产

2019-10-19 15:24:29  飞行汽车  点击:


吉利在投入资金与相关资源之后,除了协助Terrafugia Transition飞行汽车尽快量产上市之外,接下来还将于2023年推出全球首辆可垂直起降的飞行汽车,结合直升机技术于其中。

Terrafugia Transition飞行汽车动力系统搭载汽油直列四缸涡轮增压引擎,最高时速160km,最大飞行高度3048m,满油空中续航距离可达640km,每小时油耗19L,起飞滑行距离需要425m。这款飞行汽车配有许多安全配件,例如安全气囊、预警式安全带和降落伞。


English version
Geely last year acquired Terrafugia, a flying car company founded in 2006 by five MIT graduates. After the acquisition of Terrafugia, the American flying car brand, Geely Automobile Group has made a great speech. In 2020, the annual sales target of the brand's flying cars is 3 million, and the planned rate of new cars is higher than that of the American market.
After the investment of funds and relevant resources, Geely will not only assist Terrafugia transition flying car in mass production and listing as soon as possible, but also launch the world's first vertical take-off and landing flying car in 2023, combining helicopter technology.

The power system of Terrafugia transition flying car is equipped with a gasoline in-line four cylinder turbocharged engine, with a maximum speed of 160km / h, a maximum flight height of 3048m, a full air endurance of 640km, a fuel consumption of 19L / h and a take-off and taxiing distance of 425m. The flying car is equipped with many safety accessories, such as airbags, warning belts and parachutes. (文编译/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com


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