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AirCar飞行汽车完成首次城际飞行测试 或在2030年前将成为现实

发表时间:2021-07-08 13:05:10    作者:飞行汽车    点击:

    【飞行汽车  资讯】近年,飞行汽车这一概念越来越热。因为它代表着交通出行未来的方向,因此,让汽车上“天”,成为各大汽车品牌竞相追逐的一个新赛道。近日,现代汽车欧洲首席执行官迈克尔·科尔表示,2030年前飞行汽车将成为现实。公司已在该领域“投入重金”,他认为,飞行汽车是“未来的一部分”。瞄准飞行汽车领域的,不仅仅是现代。早在2017年,丰田就曾计划,在东京奥运会开幕时推出一款单座位的飞行汽车来配合开幕表演。丰田认为,奥运会载人飞行汽车项目不但能为公司树立起一个良好的公众形象,而且可以为未来载人飞行汽车产品做出示范。

    斯洛伐克公司Klein Vision研发的“飞行汽车AirCar完成首次城际飞行测试,AirCar当天从尼特拉国际机场出发,飞行37分钟后,抵达75公里外的布拉迪斯拉发国际机场。完成飞行测试后,AirCar在3分钟内就能完成“变身”,收起机翼和尾翼,之后像普通汽车一样行驶到布拉迪斯拉发市中心。

     根据官方介绍,该飞行汽车长5.2米,考虑到地面拥堵情况,整车在地面行驶时,两侧的机翼也可以收起,减少占用面积。除了机翼,AirCar的尾部也可以在飞行模式下伸展几英尺。遗憾的是,Klein Vision尚未披露当前阶段的 AirCar 引擎类型、驱动系统、最高航速、以及空中/地面续航里程等信息。至于AirCar之类的可变形飞行汽车将于何时能够克服制造、法规和商业化生产的难关,仍有待时间去检验。


    English version

   In recent years, the concept of flying cars has become more and more popular. Because it represents the future direction of transportation, let the car go to the sky and become a new track that major car brands are chasing. Recently, Hyundai Motor Europe CEO Michael Kerr said that flying cars will become a reality by 2030 The company has "invested heavily" in this field, and he believes that flying cars are "part of the future" It 's not just Hyundai that is targeting the flying car field. As early as 2017, Toyota had planned to launch a single-seater flying car at the opening of the Tokyo Olympics to match the opening performance. Toyota believes that the Olympic manned flying car project can not only establish a good public image for the company, but also set a demonstration for future manned flying car products.

    The " flying car " AirCar developed by the Slovak company Klein Vision completed the first intercity flight test. The AirCar departed from Nitra International Airport on the same day and arrived at Bratislava International Airport 75 kilometers away after 37 minutes of flight After completing the flight test, AirCar can complete the "transformation" within 3 minutes, retract the wings and tail, and then drive to the center of Bratislava like a normal car .

     According to the official introduction, the flying car is 5.2 meters long. Taking into account the ground congestion, the wings on both sides of the vehicle can also be retracted when the vehicle is driving on the ground, reducing the occupied area. In addition to the wings, the tail of the AirCar can also extend a few feet in flight mode. Unfortunately, Klein Vision has not yet disclosed the current stage of AirCar engine type, drive system, top speed, and air/ground cruising range. As for when transformable flying cars such as AirCar will be able to overcome the difficulties of manufacturing, regulations and commercial production, it still needs time to test.图文仅供参考/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com





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