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发表时间:2021-04-06 21:38:31    作者:飞行汽车    点击:

     事实上,早在2018年3月6日,荷兰公司PAL-V就已经推出了其最终量产版飞行汽车PAL-V Liberty,并开始在其公司网站上接受预订,这款飞行汽车在2019年上市,售价在60万美元上下。PAL-V Liberty由双引擎提供动力,可乘坐两人,具有自我稳定功能和曲线稳定功能。在行驶模式下,最高速度为160公里/小时,百公里加速时间不到9秒,并且声称续航里程为1315公里,使用的还是车辆通用的汽油。这款飞行汽车可以在公路上行驶,折叠前像一个小型的直升机,折叠后就变成了造型独特的汽车了。




    English version

    In fact, as early as March 6th, 2018, Dutch company pal-v has launched its final mass production version of its flight vehicle pal-v liberty and has begun to accept bookings on its company's website, which was launched in 2019 and sold for $600000. Pal-v liberty is powered by two engines, which can ride two people, with self stability and curve stability. In driving mode, the maximum speed is 160 km / h, the acceleration time of 100 km is less than 9 seconds, and the claimed mileage is 1315 km, and the gasoline used for vehicle is still used. This flying car can be driven on the road, before folding like a small helicopter, folding into a unique shape of the car.

    The vehicle has a very good endurance and speed per hour. Besides the price is "billion", it is very attractive. But even if you buy this car, you have a license to drive and fly on the basis of obtaining the airworthiness certificate. It is really a great deal to drive this future technology crystallized car. Apart from foreign flying vehicles, to launch the flying vehicles in China, Peng needs to solve many problems.

    First, whether the flying vehicle can obtain the national airworthiness certificate. Civil Aviation Law of the people's Republic of China and regulations on Airworthiness Management of civil aircraft clearly stipulate that: design, production and maintenance of civil aircraft and its engines, propellers and equipment on board civil aircraft shall apply to the competent civil aviation authority of the state for the type qualification certificate, production license and Maintenance permit. Aircraft can only fly if it has a airworthiness certificate issued by the competent civil aviation authority of the state. If this certificate is not obtained, the aircraft will not be operational. Besides this, Xiao Peng has many places to consider. The problems such as vehicle price, market demand, disturbance caused by low altitude flight in cities, safety hazards and so on will determine to a large extent whether the flying vehicles can be produced and realized for civilian use.图文仅供参考/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com





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