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日本NEC飞行汽车无人驾驶 空中盘旋了超过一分钟

发表时间:2020-04-29 15:23:13    点击:


     在试飞过程中,飞行汽车无人驾驶,似乎是由绳索驱动的,并由地面人员遥控。在飞行过程中,车辆升至离地面10英尺的高度,并悬停在地面近一分钟。试飞是在日本NEC设施的巨型笼子内进行的。在主要的大都市地区,日本的街道变得非常拥挤,日本大力支持飞行汽车。日本政府希望在2030年之前使人们乘飞机在城市中移动。美国的公司都在推动同样的飞行器。Uber Air是美国支持飞行器的公司之一。


English version
    NEC said in a statement that it has signed a sponsorship agreement with cardiovator to provide flying car technology to the latter. At the same time, cartivator is supported by industry giants including Toyota and Panasonic. Their goal is to launch a two person flying car in 2023, conduct actual tests, and plan to put it into use during the Expo in Osaka in 2025, transport passengers, and start mass production in 2026. At the same time, Japan is also actively supporting the development of flying vehicles, and is expected to achieve the universal application of flying vehicles around 2030, providing services such as commuting, passenger transport, freight transport, etc. According to reports, the flying car is 3.9 meters long, 3.7 meters wide and 1.3 meters high, with four rotating wings. It's not so much a car as a drone. In this test flight, the flying car has a maximum altitude of 3 meters and successfully hovered in the air for more than a minute.

    During the test flight, the flying car is driverless, which seems to be driven by ropes and controlled by the ground personnel. During the flight, the vehicle rises to a height of 10 feet from the ground and hovers on the ground for nearly one minute. The test flight was conducted in a giant cage at NEC facilities in Japan. In major metropolitan areas, Japan's streets have become very crowded, and Japan strongly supports flying cars. The Japanese government hopes to make people fly around the city by 2030. American companies are pushing the same aircraft. Uber air is one of the U.S. aircraft support companies. (文编译/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com





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