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HOVERSTAR H1垂直升降飞行摩托问世

发表时间:2018-10-31 22:35:18    作者:飞行汽车    点击:


In today's world, the car has become an indispensable means of transportation, the convenience and development that the car brings to people is obvious. But as the life of the people is getting better and better, more and more families are buying a car. The traffic congestion is also very annoying. However, the motorbike is in this crowded way. The street has played an important role, even more convenient than the car, when you are stuck in the middle of the road when the car is stuck in the middle of the road, when you suddenly shuttle a motorcycle from the side of the car, that mood is very envious, but what is the vehicle that is faster than the motorcycle? Electric vehicle? NO, that's what I said. It's a flying motorcycle.


怎么样,没听过吧?惊不惊喜,意不意外?也许看到此景你会问了,它一定是外国人的吧,这下你又猜错了,它呢不是什么德国的,也不是什么美国的高科技玩意,它是纯正的国产飞行器,据了解,这是深圳的一家哈威科技有限公司自主研发的陆空两栖个人飞行摩托。该公司为这款摩托起名为“HOVERSTAR H1”,名字都挺起来这么炫,它的造型看起来非常具有未来感,很像一个飞碟,但是却和普通摩托车一样有着可转动的车把、离合器刹车手柄、在公路上看到的话肯定会吓到人,不过很想去体验一番。

What, didn't you hear it? No surprise, no surprise? You may see this scene, it must be a foreigner, and you have guessed it wrong. It is not German, nor American high-tech gadget, it is a pure domestic aircraft, it is known that this is an independent research and development of Shenzhen's Hawei Technology Co., Ltd. the land and air amphibious personal flight motorcycle. The company, named "HOVERSTAR H1" for the motorcycle, is very dazzling. It looks very futuristic. It looks like a flying saucer, but it has a rotatable handlebar, a clutch brake handle, and what you see on the road. A test is made.



You may have a lot of people here to question. It must be difficult to drive the flight motorcycle. It's not practical. In fact, you are wrong. It is understood that this flight motorcycle is very convenient to drive and is very easy to operate. It can be easily mastered as long as it is studied carefully. It does not need a runway like other aircraft. It is a very scientific and vertical way of lifting the vertical. It can be selected manually and automatically, and it is equipped with a controlled balance gyroscope. As long as it is slightly inclined, the flight motorcycle H1 can automatically adjust the balance. You only need to master the speed and the height of the steering. And it's very convenient to go to the land class and drive like an ordinary motorcycle.


HOVERSTAR H1是哈威耗时8个月自主研发的飞行器,速度还是相当惊人的,研发期间所有的设计方案、功能测试、以及飞行控制系统都是自主攻克的,而且在外观造型设计上花费了不少功夫,在酷似飞碟造型的车身下方安装了三个轮子作为支撑,而且并未设置驾驶舱,是与传统摩托车那样露天式的骑行的方式,让飞行中的观景感受更加刺激。

HOVERSTAR H1, which takes 8 months to develop independently, is still quite amazing. All the designs, functional tests, and flight control systems are conquered during the R & D, and have spent a lot of effort on the appearance design, and three wheels are installed under the shape of a flying saucer. As a support, and no cockpit, is as open-air as the traditional motorcycle ride, so that the flight of the viewing experience more exciting.


HOVERSTAR H1长2米,宽1.8米,是采用锂电池匹配涵道系统作为动力,最重要的一点在于它可垂直升降,这一点连美国F-35战机都做不到,要知道美国的F-35战斗机只具备垂直降落,而不具备垂直上升的功能。在满电的状态下,在路面最多可行驶50公里,而到了空中可行驶10公里,飞行高度可保持在5米到30米之间,看来的确是一款解决交通拥堵的好工具啊。但是,别高兴太早,H1对体重是有要求的,它的载重能力只有150斤,超过150斤的老铁可就无缘享受了。

HOVERSTAR H1 is 2 meters long and 1.8 meters wide. It is the power of a lithium battery matching culvert system. The most important thing is that it can lift vertically. This is not even the F-35 fighter of the United States. It is necessary to know that the American F-35 fighter only has vertical landing and does not have the function of vertical rise. In the state of full electricity, it can drive up to 50 kilometers on the road, and 10 kilometers in the air, and the height of the flight can be kept between 5 meters and 30 meters. It seems to be a good tool to solve traffic congestion. However, don't be happy too early, H1 weight is required, its load capacity is only 150 jin, more than 150 Jin of old iron can not be enjoyed.


HOVERSTAR H1的问世可谓是又一款“国之重器”啊,哈威公司也将这款飞行摩托带到了美国参加了无人机航展,惊呆了所有前来参观的老外,美国飞行博物馆也对这款飞行器提出了入驻邀请,看来对中国制造还是非常有信心的,但是对于国内来说,在这方面的突破成就还是非常大的,目前呢,这款飞行器只是进行了首试,并且非常成功,未来会加以改进,提升电池的续航能力以及动力性能,说不定不久这款酷炫的飞行摩托就会进行量产,敬请期待吧。

The advent of HOVERSTAR H1 is another "national weapon". Harvey also took the flight motorcycle to the United States to participate in the UAV aero show, stunned all the foreigners who came to visit. The American flight museum also offered an invitation to the aircraft, but it seems very confident of China's manufacture. For the domestic, the breakthrough in this field is still very big, and at present, the aircraft is just a first test, and very successful, the future will be improved to improve the battery endurance and power performance, it is not long before this cool flying molto will be measured, please look forward to it.





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