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Urban Aeronautics宣布全面部署CityHawk飞行汽车

发表时间:2018-10-31 22:35:17    作者:飞行汽车    点击:

总部位于以色列的Urban Aeronautics可能成为在飞行汽车商业化竞赛中击败的创业公司。该公司宣布开始全面部署其VTOL动力飞机。

Urban Aeronautics, headquartered in Israel, may become a startup company defeated in the commercialization of flying cars. The company announced the deployment of its VTOL powered aircraft.


在两家由业务(子公司)全资拥有的初创公司的帮助下,该公司计划在2022年之前推出该服务。城市航空公司通过利用其子公司开发和测试原型,设法使其项目“ 不受关注”。

With the help of two start-ups wholly owned by their businesses (subsidiaries), the company plans to launch the service by 2022. City airlines try to make their projects "unconcerned" by using their subsidiaries to develop and test prototypes.





CityHawk是一种由Urban Aeronautics开发的飞机,专为公共交通而设计。该装置最多可容纳6名乘客,最高时速可达170英里/小时。两个涡轮轴发动机为转子提供动力,转子位于飞机的前部和后部。目前,发动机由发电机支持。该初创公司正在考虑使用氢推进来提高性能(稍后会详细介绍)。

CityHawk is an aircraft developed by Urban Aeronautics, designed for public transport. The device can accommodate up to 6 passengers at a maximum speed of 170 mph. Two turboshaft engines provide power for the rotor, and the rotor is located in the front and rear parts of the aircraft. At present, the engine is supported by the generator. The start-up company is considering the use of hydrogen propulsion to improve performance (which will be described later).

为了安全起见,该装置配备了可在紧急情况下部署的弹道降落伞。根据业务,机舱可以安排,以满足特定服务的需要。行政运输可以配备通讯设备,会议室和较少的座位; 而分组航班的申请可能包括长椅和大型监视器。

For safety reasons, the device is equipped with a ballistic parachute that can be deployed in emergency situations. According to the business, the engine room can be arranged to meet the needs of specific services. Administrative transport can be equipped with communications equipment, conference rooms and fewer seats; grouping applications may include benches and large monitors.




"Today's innovation needs to predict future technologies to optimize their potential," the company stressed.

Urban Aeronautics一直在Tactical Robotics(初创公司的子公司)下测试一个类似的单位。被称为鸬鹚的飞行汽车是无人驾驶的,并且还采用了双转子配置。迄今为止,开发人员已经完成了超过250次飞机试飞。

Urban Aeronautics has been testing a similar unit under Tactical Robotics, a start-up company. The flying car called cormorant is driverless and has dual rotor configuration. So far, developers have completed over 250 test flights.

在城市航空公司的另一家子公司Metro Skyways下,正在开发一种巨型飞行汽车。该机型名为Falcon XP,可在宽敞的客舱内容纳14名乘客。

Metro Skyways, another subsidiary of City Airlines, is developing a giant flying car. The model is called Falcon XP, which can accommodate 14 passengers in the spacious cabin.


Fuel cell technology and performance

虽然大多数飞行汽车初创公司都致力于使用电池供电的发动机甚至传统的电动机(用于娱乐模型),但Urban Aeronautics对此类解决方案并不感兴趣。相反,该公司将利用氢燃料电池为其飞机提供动力。

Although most flying car start-ups are committed to using battery powered engines and even traditional motors (used for entertainment models), Urban Aeronautics is not interested in such solutions. Instead, the company will use hydrogen fuel cells to provide power for its aircraft.




After careful consideration, the company believes its options are more sustainable and can support the power demand of flying cars. At present, hybrid power units can not use fuel cells alone. After a series of manned flights scheduled for 2021 to 2022, City Airlines will turn to hydrogen fuel.


Unlike batteries, H2 fuel cells do not have a limited life cycle and produce zero toxic waste. All of these packages have an order of magnitude higher energy density than current batteries or even carbon-based fuels, "the flying car said to start.


"As this technology is coming, why do we design a plane driven by anything else?"



Compliance is the main obstacle faced by start-ups in emerging industries. CityHawk is classified as a twin engine helicopter, and it is necessary to comply with specific FAA requirements to obtain proper certification. In terms of performance, dual rotor configuration can improve stability and speed during operation. The additional rotor allows the unit to carry more weight, which is suitable for easy riding and lifting heavy objects.(文编译飞行汽车feiauto)www.feiauto.com





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