


2021-04-12 21:49:38  飞行汽车  点击:

    近几年兴起的飞行汽车概念,也就是陆地汽车的再进化,顾名思义可以空中陆地两栖行驶,类似于水陆两栖车一样,只不过是使用场景多元化而已。听上去有些不可思议,甚至感觉像科幻电影一般。其实这种飞行汽车概念早在上世纪40年代时,就已经有人预言出飞行汽车。当时在汽车、航空技术有了相当大的发展之后,福特汽车公司创办人亨利·福特大胆地发出“飞行汽车迟早会出现”的科学预言。  这一预言直到2009年3月份才真正成为现实,世界首辆飞行汽车在美国实现首飞,降落后只需按一个按钮就可以将机翼折叠,就可以在高速公路上行驶。




    English version

    The flying car concept that has emerged in recent years is a re-evolution of land vehicles. As the name suggests, it can travel on land and air, similar to waterway amphibious vehicles, but with diversified usage scenarios. It sounds weird, and it even feels like a science fiction movie. In fact, this kind of flying car concept was predicted as early as the 1940s. At that time, after considerable development in automobile and aviation technology, Henry Ford, the founder of Ford Motor Company, boldly issued a scientific prediction that "flying cars will appear sooner or later".  This prediction didn't really become a reality until March 2009, when the world's first flying car made its first flight in the United States. After landing, the wings can be folded at the touch of a button and can be driven on the highway.


    Among the many companies involved in the field of flying cars, the closest to China is Terrafugia, an American flying car company acquired by Geely in 2017 On January 22 this year, Geely Holding announced that on January 15, US Eastern Time, the Transition (TF-1) of the flying car company Terrafugia, a subsidiary of Geely Technology Group, has been awarded the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). ) Airworthiness certificate, this is the world's first FAA airworthiness certificate for flying cars.TF-2A chooses a composite wing configuration that is easy to pass airworthiness certification, with a maximum commercial load of 200kg, a maximum range of 100km, a cruising speed of 180km/h, and a practical ceiling of 30km. At this stage, the previous products have obtained the FAA airworthiness certificate, and the TF-2A has also begun to accept reservations, and it is planned to be officially launched in 2023.Therefore, after the TF-1 obtained the FAA airworthiness certificate, it has attracted a lot of attention. In many people's eyes, this indicates that people will enter the era of flying cars in the near future.

    According to Morgan Stanley's forecast, by 2030, the flying car industry will form a market size of 300 billion U.S. dollars, and by 2040, the market size may reach 1.5 trillion U.S. dollars. In the face of future trends and a huge market, for companies involved in flying cars, the sooner they can produce feasible products for flying cars, whoever has the opportunity to reconstruct people’s future transportation and travel will be the leader. The next era.图文仅供参考/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com


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