


2021-04-04 20:43:12  飞行汽车  点击:



    English version

    Now, the number of accidents in cars and airplanes every year is very high. If everyone can fly in the sky, you can think about it carefully. That kind of scene is out of control at present, so the current level of science and technology is unable to mass production. Nowadays, there are many people who have not even passed the driving license test, and now people's driving skills are not good, not to mention Flying car What about it? At that time, did you have to take a flight certificate? At present, there are not many companies leading the research on flying vehicles, which leads to uncontrollable costs. After all, if the ecological chain of flying vehicles is to be as perfect as that of traditional fuel vehicles, it will not be a matter of one or two years. Take a look at the current ranks of electric vehicles, because the ecological chain is not yet fully mature, which leads to high prices.图文仅供参考/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com


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