


2020-09-20 15:41:50  飞行汽车  点击:

    想象一下如果你是第一批搭乘德国创业公司Volocopter旗下首辆电动飞行汽车的乘客,可以吹一辈子牛了。你可以在网上以约35美元的价格预约一张“VoloFirst”的车票。Volocopter已在德国斯图加特、芬兰赫尔辛基国际机场、新加坡滨海湾三地成功试飞,随后推出了车票预售。公司声明表示:“根据我们公开试飞记录和监管记录,我们已准备充分,未来几年将在城市落地电动车飞行项目。”标价354美元的车票包含了15分钟 Volocopter飞行,项目预计将在正式面市后的第一年内启动。票价还包括乘客空中飞行的视频和“个人化定制的限量版证书”。


English version

     Imagine if you were one of the first passengers to take the first electric flying car owned by the German startup Volocopter , you could brag for a lifetime. You can reserve a "VoloFirst" ticket online for about $35. Volocopter has successfully tested flights in Stuttgart, Germany, Helsinki International Airport in Finland, and Marina Bay in Singapore, and then launched the pre-sale of tickets. The company statement stated: “According to our public test flight records and regulatory records, we are fully prepared and will land an electric vehicle flight project in the city in the next few years .” The $354 ticket includes a 15-minute Volocopter flight . The project is expected to be officially launched. Start within the first year afterwards. The ticket price also includes a video of the passenger flying in the air and a "personalized limited edition certificate"(图文仅供参考侵删/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com


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