


2020-09-06 12:14:40  飞行汽车  点击:



    据了解,在全球100多个飞行汽车项目中,SkyDrive是试飞成功当中为数不多的一个。该公司首席执行官福泽智宏(Tomohiro Fukuzawa)曾为丰田汽车公司工作,于 2018 年创建了 SkyDrive,他表示:“我们希望它能成为人们每天都能轻松使用的产品。”在确保安全的情况下,这辆飞行汽车将在2023年投入生产,并在大阪启动一项服务,在各旅游景点之间运送游客。该计划要求一辆双座汽车,有一名飞行员和一名付费乘客。到 21 世纪 30 年代,该公司设想每天上下班都使用类似无人机的交通工具。


    English version

    The sight of cars flying in the sky in science fiction movies is just around the corner! As another solution for smart transportation, "flying cars" are gradually entering reality. Although it was five years later than the time predicted in the movie "Back to the Future 2", mankind finally built a flying car that can safely go to the sky. Recently, Japan's SkyDrive successfully tested its first manned flying car . Its code-named SD-03 flying car successfully landed after hovering at an altitude of 10 meters for 4 minutes.

    It is understood that among more than 100 flying car projects in the world, SkyDrive is one of the few successful test flights. The company’s CEO Tomohiro Fukuzawa, who worked for Toyota Motor Corporation and founded SkyDrive in 2018, said: “We want it to be a product that people can easily use every day.” In ensuring a safe situation Next, this flying car will be put into production in 2023, and a service will be launched in Osaka to transport tourists between tourist attractions. The plan calls for a two-seater car with a pilot and a paying passenger. By the 2030s, the company envisioned using drone-like transportation to and from get off work every day.

(图文仅供参考侵删/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com


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