


2020-09-06 11:34:20  飞行汽车  点击:

    在飞行汽车市场上,也远不止SkeyDrive这一家公司。包括Uber、Honeywell、Wisk,德国Lilium Aviation,法国Safran,以及由Google创始人拉里·佩奇(Larry Page)支持的Kitty Hawk项目等也在这一领域积极探索。例如,英国发动机制造商罗尔斯·罗伊斯(Rolls-Royce)已于2018年启动“飞行出租车”计划,凯蒂·霍克(Kitty Hawk)公司已经开始向有意购买汽车的人提供试飞服务。SkyDrive可能不是第一家完成试飞的公司,但它是第一家进行无限制试飞的上市公司。虽然在开发这项技术方面,日本落后于美国、德国和中国的公司,但 SkyDrive 表示,它的计划与其他公司不同,因为它最终希望在汽车上安装轮子,这样就可以把它开进家庭车库。

    据相关研究表明,在空中出租车、空中飞车或电动垂直起降飞行器等交通工具领域,全球竞争已经在加剧。飞行汽车可能会在2023年开始提供定期服务,其应用场景多为机场和一线城市的简单换乘。预计到了2035年,该行业会得到大范围的整合,并通过预先建立枢纽与传统运输方式彻底打通。凯蒂·霍克(Kitty Hawk)公司首席执行官表示,未来飞行汽车的出现不可避免。如飞机,手机和自动驾驶汽车赢得用户认可需要时间一样,飞行汽车同样如此,不过,它的时间可能会相对较短。


English version

    in the flying car market, there is much more than SkeyDrive. Including Uber, Honeywell, Wisk, Lilium Aviation of Germany, Safran of France, and the Kitty Hawk project supported by Google founder Larry Page (Larry Page) are also actively exploring this field. For example, British engine manufacturer Rolls-Royce (Rolls-Royce) has launched the "flying taxi" program in 2018, and Kitty Hawk has begun to provide test flights to those interested in buying cars service. SkyDrive may not be the first company to complete the test flight, but it is the first public company to conduct an unlimited test flight. Although Japan lags behind American, German, and Chinese companies in developing this technology, SkyDrive says its plan is different from other companies because it eventually wants to install wheels on cars so that it can be driven into the home garage. .

    According to related studies , global competition has intensified in the field of transportation such as air taxis, air vehicles, or electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft . Flying cars may start to provide regular services in 2023, and their application scenarios are mostly simple transfers between airports and first-tier cities. It is expected that by 2035, the industry will be integrated on a large scale, and will be fully integrated with traditional transportation methods through pre-established hubs. The CEO of Kitty Hawk said that the advent of flying cars in the future is inevitable. Like airplanes, mobile phones, and self-driving cars, it takes time to win user approval. Flying cars do the same. However, its time may be relatively short.(图文仅供参考侵删/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com


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