


2020-09-01 14:10:56  飞行汽车  点击:



    谷歌联合创始人拉里·佩奇(Larry Page)十年前创立的另一家领先企业基蒂·霍克(Kitty Hawk Corp.)也改变了他们飞行汽车研究的方向。今年6月,该公司关闭了超轻型飞行汽车模型“ Flyer”的开发团队,专注于制造更大的车型。

    而这次SD-03试飞背后的SkyDrive公司,得到了不少顶级公司的资助,包括著名汽车制造商丰田、电子公司松下、游戏开发商Bandai Namco。他们有望在2023年将原型车变为一款两座商用车型,这与日本政府在东京和大阪等人口密集城市推出飞行出租车服务的时间表相同。


    English version

  The difference between a flying car or vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) vehicle and an airplane/helicopter is that it does not require special take-off and landing locations, and is designed to be quickly transported door-to-door through the ground and air. This flying car is about 4 meters long and 2 meters high. It can accommodate two ordinary parking spaces. It is an ideal choice for future cities.

    SkyDrive said in a statement in early August: “In developed countries, flying cars are expected to be used as vehicles to relieve traffic congestion and respond to disasters. In developing countries, they are likely to be used as a vehicle. Requires transportation methods far below infrastructure" In the United States, multiple flying car projects have been underway for many years. However, due to infrastructure and regulatory challenges, as well as their own problems, they have not been commercialized. For example, in May of this year, Uber caused a serious blow to its ride-hailing business due to the epidemic, reducing the size of the department that supports its flying taxi development.

    Kitty Hawk Corp., another leading company founded by Google co-founder Larry Page ten years ago, also changed the direction of their flying car research. In June of this year, the company closed the development team of the ultra-light flying car model "Flyer" to focus on making larger models.

    The SkyDrive company behind the SD-03 test flight has received funding from many top companies, including the famous car manufacturer Toyota, electronics company Panasonic, and game developer Bandai Namco. They are expected to turn the prototype into a two-seater commercial vehicle in 2023, which is the same as the timetable for the Japanese government to launch flying taxi services in densely populated cities such as Tokyo and Osaka.(图文仅供参考侵删/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com


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