


2020-08-30 16:17:11  飞行汽车  点击:


    这家初创公司名为SkyDrive Inc.,该公司希望能在今年夏天晚些时候对这款车进行全面的公开展示。去年,该公司获得Drone Fund、Z Corporation、STRIVE III、伊藤忠投资公司与EEI Inc 等公司注资的15 亿日元。image.png



English version

 Flying cars can only be seen in science fiction movies. Recently, a Japanese company has turned this dream into reality. It has developed a "flying car" and released the manned flight test for the first time. The flying car is equipped with eight propellers, can take off and land vertically, and can reach a top speed of 50 kilometers per hour. It is planned to be put into use in 2023.

    The startup is called SkyDrive Inc., and the company hopes to have a full public display of the car later this summer. Last year, the company received 1.5 billion yen in capital injections from companies such as Drone Fund, Z Corporation, STRIVE III, ITOCHU Investment Corporation, and EEI Inc.

    This flying car has had several test flights before, but they were all carried out through remote control and were unmanned on board. According to reports, SkyDrive said that this car will begin limited retail sales in 2023 at the earliest and mass production in 2026. This flying car prototype is about 5 feet tall, less than 12 feet long, and less than 12 feet wide. It can take off and take off vertically from the road without a runway.(图文仅供参考侵删/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com


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