


2020-05-22 19:26:08  飞行汽车  点击:

    第二代Transition飞行汽车有两个座位,在天上开起来和传统运动飞机差不多,空中续航为 640 公里,最高时速为 160 公里/小时。飞行和路面驾驶模式切换只需一分钟。它长6米,拥有一个可折叠机翼,打开时宽5.6米,收起来仅2米,可以尽可能减少在陆地的占地面积。虽然它能飞上天,但它还配备了一系列汽车的安全配置,比如气囊、预紧式安全带、碰撞溃缩区等等。另外,如果在空中发生意外,它还有最后一道防线——降落伞,在紧急时刻能够连人带车安全着陆。


English version
    The second-generation transition flying car has two seats, which can drive in the sky similar to the traditional sports aircraft, with an air endurance of 640 km and a maximum speed of 160 km / h. Flight and road driving mode switching takes only one minute. It's 6 meters long, has a folding wing, 5.6 meters wide when it's opened, and only 2 meters wide when it's closed, which can minimize the land area. Although it can fly to the sky, it is also equipped with a series of car safety devices, such as airbags, pre tensioned seatbelts, crash zones, etc. In addition, if there is an accident in the air, it has a last line of defense - parachute, which can safely land with people and vehicles in an emergency. (文编译/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com


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