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发表时间:2018-12-13 15:45:51    作者:飞行汽车    点击:

在科幻片中,汽车厂商总是很倔强的想让汽车飞起来,可能他们觉得这样做比较多功能,也符合未来城市的需求。近日,奥迪、空客以及意大利著名汽车制造商 IDG(Italdesign)正在共同研发一台多功能的,可以像变形金刚那样自由组合、分离的飞行汽车——Pop.up.Next。这台展示的原型车是按照1/4的比例制作的微缩版,因为标准版实在是巨大,一部分技术还不够成熟,所以暂时造了个微缩版做演示。这台飞车是纯电驱动+全自动无人驾驶的,它的底座、座舱和飞行模块都是相对独立的。那个飞行模块就像一个超大号的“大疆精灵”无人机,我第一眼看见还以为是什么高科技玩具呢。


据奥迪官方说,Pop.up.Next 的地面单位可以行使50公里左右,空中单位可以行使约140公里,这个数据足以支撑未来巨型城市的市内交通运输需求了。在私家车爆发增长过后,未来的曲线将会逐渐回落,私家车将会开始变少,更多城市出行的将由无人驾驶的新智能交通网络替代。


English version
In sci-fi movies, automobile manufacturers are always very stubborn to let cars fly. Maybe they think it is more versatile and meets the needs of future cities.
Recently, Audi, Airbus and Italian automaker IDG are jointly developing a multi-functional, freely assembled and separated flying car like Transformers, Pop. up. Next. The prototype car on display is a miniature version made in 1/4 proportion. Because the standard version is huge and some technology is not mature enough, a miniature version is temporarily made for demonstration. This flying car is pure electric drive + fully automatic driverless, its base, cockpit and flight module are relatively independent. That flight module is like a super-large "Xinjiang Elf" UAV, which I thought was a high-tech toy at first sight.

It is understood that the flight module uses a four-axle and eight-oar power system. When flying, it does not take the whole vehicle away, but only docks the cockpit part, and then the unmanned base will be automatically separated, thus realizing the cooperation system between air and ground transportation units. To be honest, this kind of flying car is a bit different, after all, the car itself can not fly. Have you ever seen Golden Height? It's the kind of Mothership that ejects a set of equipment, and Golden Height itself becomes another kind of Golden Height. Forget to say, this car is not sold for private use, but as a future version of the public transport taxi. Its ground and air transport parts will be controlled by the autopilot network in the future. Where you want to go, you can set the route directly through the navigation system in the cabin. The UAV will take you for a flight, and then the autopilot base will carry you to your destination. It is said that it will probably enter our lives in 10 years. But the most difficult problem to solve is mainly in people. It takes a huge cost and a long time to develop a new travel habit.

According to Audi officials, the ground units of Pop. up. Next can run about 50 kilometers and the air units can run about 140 kilometers, which is enough to support the transportation needs of future Mega cities. After the outbreak of private car growth, the future curve will gradually decline, private cars will start to decrease, and more urban travel will be replaced by the new intelligent transportation network driverless.





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