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2019年可以体验会飞的汽车 垂直起降约千元一次

发表时间:2018-12-12 13:25:41    作者:飞行汽车    点击:

像Uber Elevate等这样的飞行出租车服务真正能够被消费者使用可能尚待时日,不过,提前体验一下未来,2019年就有机会实现了

Lift Aircraft正准备推出一款18旋翼电动垂直起降(VTOL)飞机,该公司计划将这些特殊的交通工具出租给全美各地的个人飞行体验者。体验价格跟跳伞、滑翔伞等其他类似的冒险项目差不多,大概150- 250美元(约合人民币1030-1724元)之间。这款单座多旋翼飞行汽车名为Hexa,它配有一个简单、轻便的碳纤维单座座舱,4个适合在陆地或水上降落的浮板以及一个基于操纵杆和iPad Pro的简单控制系统。这架432磅(196公斤)重的Hexa实际上就像一架有座位的大型无人机--飞行控制器和大量传感器将能为驾驶者完成大部分的飞行任务。

只要按一下按钮,它就可以起飞和降落,如果飞行员松开操纵杆,它就会在GPS锁定的位置和固定高度上悬停。如果飞行员被吓到了或者出现了一些麻烦,地勤人员则可以用手动控制的方式接管飞机并让它着陆。而比较特别的是Hexa并没有配备一套中央电池组,相反它使用了18个小电池即每个旋翼下面都安装了1块。对此,Lift CEO Matt Chasen解释称:“电池是动力系统中最不可靠的部件之一。





English version
It may be some time before such flight taxi services as Uber Elevate can really be used by consumers, but if you experience the future in advance, you will have a chance to achieve it in 2019.

Lift Aircraft is preparing to launch an 18-rotor electric vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) aircraft, which plans to lease these special vehicles to individual flight Experiencers across the United States. The experience price is similar to that of skydiving, paragliding and other similar adventures, ranging from $150 to $250 (about RMB 1030-1724). The single-seat multi-rotor flying car, called Hexa, has a simple, lightweight carbon fiber single cabin, four floating panels suitable for landing on land or water, and a simple control system based on joysticks and iPad Pro. The 432-pound (196-kilogram) Hexa is actually like a large seated unmanned aerial vehicle -- flight controllers and sensors that will do most of the flying tasks for the driver.
It can take off and land with the push of a button. If the pilot loosens the joystick, it hovers over the GPS locked position and fixed altitude. If the pilot is frightened or has some trouble, the ground crew can take over the aircraft manually and land it. In particular, Hexa does not have a central battery pack. Instead, it uses 18 small batteries, one under each rotor. In response, Matt Chasen, Lift CEO, explained: "Batteries are one of the most unreliable components in power systems.

Motors and rotors are reliable, they have few moving parts, but batteries tend to have more failures than they do. So even if such incidents are rare, we don't want to use large centralized batteries. We installed the batteries on the top and outside so that we could stay away from the pilots. So if the battery runs out of control, it's still controllable, and it won't hurt the pilot. One advantage of this design is that each small battery is located in the cooling airflow of the rotor, in other words, it does not require any cooling liquid. In addition, it perfectly fits Lift's concept of full-time operation: batteries last about 10-15 minutes in each flight, and once Hexa lands, ground crews can replace batteries and prepare for the next flight.

Pilots will receive a brief VR training before flying to familiarize themselves with control schemes, steering joysticks, one-click landing, and in fact not much training, Chasen said. "It's kind of like a video game that controls aircraft" The altitude is limited to less than 700 feet. In addition, it can not fly over densely populated areas. The maximum speed is about 100 km/h. The length of flight depends on the load.

As for the safety of aircraft, apart from the battery design, flying vehicles can only take off in good weather conditions at present. The flying vehicles will communicate with each other and will not appear in a certain radius. In addition, Hexa can continue to operate safely with up to six engines shut down, and it can also land safely with ParaZero ballistic parachute in case of complete failure. Hexa needs to take off on a customized platform, which obviously limits its flexibility, but is still necessary for safety.





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