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吉利飞行汽车开始下订单了,预计2019年交付 网友热评

发表时间:2018-11-12 12:00:34    作者:飞行汽车    点击:


对于这一头条,网友们纷纷赶来围观,并发表自己的观点。@老榕树 网友说:离死亡更进了一步。 网友@人生无悔 说:期待飞行汽车上市! 也有网友@远行 表示:车都造不好 这个还是算了。 不只这些,该话题还吸引了更多大神,下面大家感受下热烈的氛围!


@一统酱山 : 我去,以后不怕堵车了,会不会堵机?

@天气好了去泡妞 : 巴不得你们天上飞。我们买不起省得地面堵。回家可以开快些

@青春依旧堕落 : 现在公路和高速路车多了,安全性没有以前好行,再多开公路浪费土地,最好给有钱享受飞行汽车少点交通事故。


@就这么简单 : 造点有急事能飞过去堵车的车。

@柏盛双华 : 空域不开放,只能当车开。慎重啊

@聊天 : 我已经预定就了一辆,C照可以开吗?


@helloliyulei : 大吉利厉害了,真的可以上天了

@一剑飘雪 : 人家那是美国吉利你们激动什么哦

@OPPO : 拿小飞机改一改,没啥新意。


@无微不至 : 这个不错,以后广州去北京,天空都飞行汽车,到北京又可以当汽车,牛[赞]

@封心锁爱 : 现在的车企,燃油车还没搞明白,又搞新能源,新能源骗国家补贴,车还不咋样,现在又整飞行汽车,弱弱的问一句,你真的懂还是为了骗补贴?



English version
Geely flying car started placing orders, and it is expected to be delivered in 2019.
Hot events occur everyday. Duan Zi-shou's topic to share with you is "Geely Flying Vehicle has started to place orders and is expected to be delivered in 2019". Once the news bursts out, it attracts people from all walks of life to watch it and gets a hot headline every minute. In a short time, many media published and reprinted it, such as Netease, Sina, Tencent and so on. There are reports, you can directly search Baidu for this topic to view ~Only in Netease News, within 24 hours clicks have exceeded 5881, so far the number of comments has reached 2978, we can see the hot agenda of this topic ~

It is reported that the first product Transition of Geely's American flying car manufacturer, Taili, has begun to accept orders and will be delivered in 2019. Transition, the company's first product, will be delivered in 2019, initially sold only in the United States, and the price has not yet been announced. The two-seater flying car can switch between ground mode and air mode in less than one minute. Taili's second product, the Moon Phase, is expected to be launched in 2025 with a vertical takeoff and landing function. Several MIT graduates founded Taili in 2006, headquartered in Massachusetts, USA, and acquired by Geely in 2017. At present, the company is one of the few research and development companies of flying cars. At this year's Geneva Motor Show, Audi and Airbus jointly launched a concept flying car based on the cockpit of an ultra-light two-seater passenger aircraft, which can be installed on cars or UAVs.
For this headline, netizens rushed to the crowd and published their views. @ the old banyan netizen said, "it's a step closer to death. Netizen @ life without regret: look forward to flying cars listed! There are also netizens @ excursion: cars are not well built, or forget. Not only that, but this topic also attracts more gods. Let's feel a warm atmosphere below.

The first round:
@ unified sauce mountain: if I go, I will not be afraid of traffic jam. Will I block the plane?
The weather is fine, go to the girls: I wish you could fly in the sky. We can't afford to save ground plugging. Go home faster.
Youth is still in decline: there are more highways and expressways now, and the safety is not as good as before. If you waste more land by driving more highways, you'd better give the rich enough to enjoy flying cars and fewer traffic accidents.
The second round:
@ it's as simple as building a car with urgency to fly past the traffic jam.
@ Baisheng double China: airspace is not open, only when the car opens. Prudence
@ chat: I have already reserved one. Can I take C photos?
The third round:
@helloliyulei: big Geely is so fierce that he can really get to heaven.
@ a sword floating snow: people, that is the United States lucky, what are you excited about?
@OPPO: it's nothing new to change the small plane.

The fourth round:
It's a good idea. When Guangzhou goes to Beijing, the sky is full of flying cars, and when it comes to Beijing, it can be used as a car, Niu [Zan]
Blockade love: Now car companies, fuel vehicles have not yet understood, but also to engage in new energy, new energy fraud state subsidies, the car is not so good, now the whole flying car, weak ask, do you really understand or to deceive subsidies?
Every time I see a netizen reply, Xiaobian is deeply impressed. What do you want to say? Talk about it!





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