


2020-07-01 20:29:36  飞行汽车  点击:

    斯洛伐克的Aeromobil公司从1990年至今始终专注研发飞行汽车。经过了30年的发展,Aeromobil 2.5的原型机于2013年成功首飞;2014年,公司以陆地上尽可能与汽车相似,包括体积、速度以及油耗等以实现空陆转换的设计概念设计了The Aeromobil 3.0,并被广泛评价为是最有可能实现的飞行汽车,在维也纳亮相并于同年10月试飞;2017年AeroMobil官方推出The Aeromobil 4.0,第一批将于2020年交付给私人车主。Aeromobil 4.0可在3分钟内从汽车模式变成飞机模式,汽车模式时行驶里程可达62英里,飞行模式时最大巡航里程466英里。它使用普通汽油燃料而非航空燃油,可在普通加油站实现燃补给。目前这款飞行汽车已经接受预定,预售价格为120万-150万欧元。


English version
Aeromobil in Slovakia has been focusing on the development of flying cars since 1990. After 30 years of development, the prototype of aeromobil 2.5 successfully flew for the first time in 2013; in 2014, the company designed the aeromobil based on the design concept of land-based conversion, which was similar to the car as much as possible, including volume, speed and fuel consumption The aeromobil 4.0 was officially launched by aeromobil in 2017, and the first batch will be delivered to private owners in 2020. Aeromobil 4.0 can change from car mode to airplane mode in 3 minutes. The driving range of aeromobil 4.0 can reach 62 miles in car mode and 466 miles in flight mode. It uses ordinary gasoline fuel instead of aviation fuel, which can be refuelled at ordinary gas stations. At present, the flying car has been reserved for a pre-sale price of 1.2-1.5 million euros. (图文编译仅供参考/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com


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