


2020-07-01 20:14:59  飞行汽车  点击:

    飞行汽车的梦想几乎完整贯穿了百余年来的汽车发展史。自从汽车被发明出来之后,人们总是梦想着有一天能把他带到天上去,现代意义的飞行汽车有望能够从在科幻小说中的交通工具变成现实。早在1841年威廉姆塞缪尔亨森(William Samuel Henson)和约翰斯特恩费洛(John String fellow)兄弟就发明了单翼机飞行汽车的相关技术,可谓是飞行汽车最早的构想已经尝试;1947年11月,康维尔公司生产的Model 118飞行汽车在加利福尼亚州测试之后得到了证实,在计划一个小时的飞行中,由于燃料不足导致了紧急降落,车辆和机翼均损毁严重,幸好没有人员伤亡;1966年,Aero-Car利用折叠翼技术,打造了第一架确保能够陆空两用的汽车,原型车可以在陆地达到96km/h的速度,起飞之后速度可以达到177km/h。


English version
    The dream of flying car almost runs through the history of automobile development for more than 100 years. Since the invention of the car, people always dream of taking it to the sky one day. The modern flying car is expected to become a reality from the vehicle in science fiction. As early as 1841, William Samuel Henson and John string fellow invented the related technology of monoplane flying car, which can be said to be the earliest idea of flying car. In November 1947, Conwell company produced the model After testing in California, 118 flight vehicle was confirmed. During the planned one hour flight, the emergency landing due to insufficient fuel led to serious damage to the vehicle and wing, but fortunately no casualties were found. In 1966, aero car built the first vehicle that can ensure both land and air use by using folding wing technology. The prototype vehicle can reach the speed of 96km / h on land, After taking off, the speed can reach 177km / h. (图文编译仅供参考/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com


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