


2020-06-08 18:55:13  飞行汽车  点击:



English version
    One of the big challenges is to provide long enough endurance and fast enough charging speed for the flying car, which will directly affect whether the flying car can bring real convenience to people, but it also means that there needs to be breakthroughs in battery technology, battery volume and other aspects. In addition, the noise problem is also an urgent problem to be solved. At present, the propeller, power system and so on all make the current flying car can not maintain a good mute effect. Imagine that when you walk on the street, flying objects with loud noises are flying overhead, which is not what people expect. Even if these problems are solved, a complete set of supervision mechanism is needed to ensure the traffic, transportation, safety and other issues. You should know that the standards of aviation safety and automobile safety are not half the same. When you are driving, if your engine or tire is broken, just stop and get off the car for a check, so there is still a long way to go before the flying car is put into the market. I believe that in the future, flying cars will bring us a lot of convenience in our life, and travel will not delay precious time due to traffic jams!(文编译/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com


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