


2020-05-30 20:24:03  飞行汽车  点击:



English version
    According to Deloitte's mobile travel future flying car report, by 2040, the U.S. air taxi market alone will reach 17 billion U.S. dollars (about 116.6 billion yuan). At present, the flying car has become a hot spot for car companies to compete. Most car companies choose to develop flying car products jointly with start-ups or airlines, such as Geely's acquisition of flying car company Terrafugia, and Hyundai's joint venture with Uber.

    Because the development of flying vehicles needs a lot of human and financial support, and the infrastructure (take-off and landing service area) and technology are not fully mature, the development of most projects is not very smooth. From another point of view, car companies will not rush into a technology field that is impossible to become a reality. The enthusiasm of car companies for flying cars means that air travel will be one of the company's main businesses in the future. Toyota's entry is undoubtedly the affirmation of flying cars, and the transformation of mobile travel in the future will not only stay on the ground.(图文编译/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com


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