


2019-11-02 21:14:39  飞行汽车  点击:




English version
Geely Automobile (50000 Awards) acquired Terrafugia in 2017. According to the design, the company's flight vehicle transition can be used for pilots to land at small airports or on the road, and then they can drive on the road smoothly after being converted into driving mode. Terrafugia flying car company was founded in 2006. It once realized the mass production of flying cars, but the sales situation in the United States is not ideal. This joint venture with Geely can also be seen as another attempt to fly cars.

Terrafugia said that the R & D and trial production of the flying car will be completed in the United States, while the production and manufacturing work is planned to be settled in China. In October 2019, the transition has begun to be pre sold. In 2025, the company's developed vertical take-off and landing flying vehicles will achieve mass production.(文编译/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com)


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