


2019-09-14 21:20:15  飞行汽车  点击:

对于飞行汽车来说,最耗电的行驶阶段就是垂直起降。无论是起飞还是降落,所有升力都要由推进系统负责。Volocopter对外公布过一组数据:他们的2X在垂直起降阶段,输出功率高达500-1000kW。这个数字什么概念?哪怕起飞、降落时间只有短短3分钟时间,也足以耗尽50kWh的电量,这相当于一辆标准续航版本的特斯拉Model 3。



English version
For flying cars, the most power-intensive driving phase is vertical takeoff and landing. Whether it is taking off or landing, all lifting is the responsibility of the propulsion system. Volocopter published a set of data: their 2X in the vertical take-off and landing phase, output power up to 500-1000kW. What is the concept of this number? Even if the take-off and landing time is only three minutes, it will be enough to use up 50 kWh, which is equivalent to a standard extended version of Tesla Model 3.

More difficult still lies ahead: the farther the flight distance is, the heavier the battery pack will be and the higher the average energy consumption will be. That's why Volocopter chose to set the range of 2X at 30km in pursuit of energy efficiency. Of course, the negative impact is not small, directly leading to their flying car can only travel 30 minutes at a time. Ultimately, they are forced to switch electricity into future commercial operations.(文编译/飞行汽车  www.feiauto.com


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