


2019-08-23 20:21:11  飞行汽车  点击:

电动空中飞车的实现,离我们并不遥远。早在1884年,法国发明家Arthur Constantin Krebs等人曾驾驶电动飞艇 La France成功升空。在未来的城市中,电动空中出租车在天空中穿梭,无人运输机有条不紊的将一个个包裹和外卖交到人们的手中。而且,无人机技术应用的研究正在如火如荼的进行中,2013年美国亚马逊推出第一台货运无人机Prime Air,能够将重达2.5公斤的包裹运送到16公里以外的地方。

目前,利用无人机运输包裹的测试已在日本,迪拜,新加坡,瑞士等多国展开。往后,电动多旋翼机不仅可以运输货物,还能运送乘客。未来空中出租车也将配备无人机技术。Uber,CityAirbus 等各大公司对于空中出租车的研发和部署也正有条不紊的进行,预计最早2025年就能与公众见面。


English version
The realization of electric aerial vehicle is not far away from us. As early as 1884, French inventor Arthur Constantin Krebs and others successfully launched the electric airship La France. In future cities, electric aerial taxis shuttle in the sky, and unmanned transport aircraft orderly deliver packages and takeouts to people's hands. Moreover, the research of UAV technology application is in full swing. In 2013, Amazon launched its first cargo UAV Prime Air, which can deliver packages weighing 2.5 kilograms to 16 kilometers away.

At present, the use of UAVs to transport packages has been tested in Japan, Dubai, Singapore, Switzerland and other countries. In the future, electric multi-rotor aircraft can not only transport goods, but also passengers. Future air taxis will also be equipped with UAV technology. Uber, City Airbus and other major companies are also developing and deploying air taxis in an orderly manner, and are expected to meet the public as early as 2025.(文编译/飞行汽车 www.feiauto.com


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