


2019-05-24 23:37:26  飞行汽车  点击:

Terrafugia的第一款飞行汽车Transition于2009年发布。Transition是世界上第一台可操作、实用的飞行汽车。该飞行汽车有两个座位(包括驾驶位)是一款能在地上跑天上飞的轻型运动飞机。Transition拥有可折叠机翼,在1分钟之内该飞行汽车就可以完成汽车模式和飞行模式间的转换。其动力由一台活塞发动机提供,使用91号汽油,机型大小合适可直接停在车库。安全方面Transition的设计既要满足汽车安全相关规定也要满足航空器安全方面相关规定。为此Transition配备了安全气囊、预紧式安全带、碰撞溃缩区等一系列汽车安全装置,搭载了先进的航空电子设备以及后视摄像头并装备了紧急时刻可供车辆安全着陆的降落伞。驾驶Transition, 驾驶员需要同时持有机动车驾驶证和飞行执照。展开机翼后Transition形似固定翼小飞机,起飞时只需要约30米的滑跑距离就能升空。


最大速度:161 km/hr

最大航程:644 km

燃油消耗:19 L/hr

油箱容量:76 L


座位数: 2座

业载: 227 kg



English version
Terrafugia's first flying car Transition was released in 2009. Transition is the first operational and practical flying car in the world. The flying car has two seats (including the driver's seat) and is a light sport aircraft capable of running on the ground and flying in the sky. Transition has foldable wings, and within one minute the flying car can complete the conversion between vehicle mode and flight mode. The engine is powered by a piston engine, using No. 91 gasoline, and can be parked directly in the garage with a suitable size. The design of Transition in safety should meet the requirements of both automobile safety and aircraft safety. For this purpose, Transition is equipped with a series of automobile safety devices, such as airbag, pre-tightened seat belt, crash collapsing zone, advanced avionics and rear-view camera, and parachutes for safe landing of vehicles in emergency. Driving a Transition requires that the driver hold both a motor vehicle driver's license and a flight license. After unfolding the wings, the Transition resembles a small fixed-wing aircraft. It takes only about 30 meters to take off.


Transition performance data:
Maximum speed: 161 km/hr
Maximum range: 644 km
Fuel consumption: 19 L/hr
Tank capacity: 76 L
Fuel type: No. 91 gasoline
Number of seats: 2 seats
Industry load: 227 kg
Practical Lift: 2743 M
(文编译/飞行汽车 www.feiauto.com


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